We want you to join our team!

Our Mission:

Helping People find & follow Jesus. 

(nothing new here. God has been on this mission forever!)

 OUr Vision

to be irresistible for people who aren't here yet

Yes, I try to find common ground with everyone, doing everything I can to save some. (1 Corinthians 9:22)


Jesus made it real clear on what it means to follow him… Connect, Grow, & Serve. (Matthew 4:19). You need all 3 of these happening all of the time. You don’t move from one to the next.

Connect personally with God

Grow intentionally with others

Serve in your sweet spot

 our beliefs

Having unity on the foundational beliefs are essential for our team. What we believe about God, Jesus, The Spirit, The Scriptures, and Salvation are key.


An ideal MC team member embodies three virtues of Jesus:

Humble, Hungry and Healthy.

The power this combination yields drastically accelerates and improves the process of building healthy high-performing teams. If one of these values is lacking in a team member it makes working together more difficult and sometimes impossible.

 Serve in your Sweet spot

Everyone’s role is equally important in the family of God, but our responsibilities are different. Your sweet spot is the overlap of your gifts, passion, and the current needs of others. You need to serve as much as you can in your sweet spot.

 Join the team

We always work in a team. It’s the Jesus way to live life. Everyone’s responsibility looks different, but everyone is equally important. All of our teams work in harmony with each other to accomplish the mission and vision.